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The Academy Day

School opens for pupils at 8.45am. Children must be in their classrooms ready to learn at 8.55am.

Arrival in the classroom after this time is counted as late and will be recorded on the register. Punctuality marks affect a child’s attendance record, so it is vital you ensure your child is in school on time every day. 

Parents are asked to send all infant and junior children into school via the main pupil entrance at the side of school (year 1 through to year 6). If you have a message that needs to go to your child’s teacher please send them a message via Class Dojo. All teachers are working with children from the start of the school day (8.45 am) so a message via Seesaw is the best way to get information to them at this time.

All information about attendance, illness and appointments should go directly to the school office. Children in Early Years (Nursery 1, Nursery 2 and Reception) should be dropped off at the door of their classrooms.


End of Day

School finishes at 3.15pm for Early Years – please collect your child from their classroom. 

All Infant and Junior classes finish at 3.20. To prevent congestion on paths and gateways all year groups are released from different areas of the school grounds. Year 1 and Year 2 are released from the main pupil entrance at the side of the school, year 3 are released from the back playground, year 4 are released from the ramp at the back of the school while year 5 are released by the school office entrance (by the car park gate). Year 6 are released from the ramp at the front of school by the main pedestrian gate. 

If you would like your child to be released at the end of the day without adult supervision, please let the school know in writing. Medlock Primary School strongly advises that  only children in years 5 and 6 should walk home without adult supervision.

Breakfast Club

A Breakfast Club is available from 8.00am every day.

Places at Breakfast club have to be booked in advance and there is a cost per term for this service. Please do not drop your child off before 8.00 am as there is no-one available to supervise them. Last entry into the breakfast club is 8.30 am.